Lincoln’s Inn Fields, Camden

Local Planning Authorities

London Borough of Camden

Proposed Development

Installation of cast iron pavement lights to front forecourt, change of use of front vaults within the basement from ancillary residential storage space (Class C3) to office use (Class E(g)) and the reconfiguration of existing cycle storage facilities. (P) Alterations to basement level internal layout and installation of cast iron pavement lights to front forecourt (L).

Application Type

Full planning and listed building consent


64 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3JX


SM Planning gained both planning and listed building consent for the change of use of the existing residential storage space to office use after some resistance from the local authority. Our team of London Planning Consultants were able to articulate the scheme to the local council that the proposal would be acceptable in both land use and amenity terms whilst pertaining to the sensitivity of the grade II listed site.


View more change of use projects here





Nash Baker Architects

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