Chartered Town Planning Consultants
What our clients say
About Us
We provide several planning consultancy services nationwide, with a focus in London. Our team consists of chartered town planners and planning experts to assist you with development projects and planning solutions.
Our planning consultancy services include site appraisals, planning applications, appeals, lawful development certificates, prior approvals, advertisement consents, section 106 agreements, enforcement resolution and strategic planning. We aim to ensure that the entire planning process runs smoothly, from the early stages of the appraisal and design process through to finalising the development, to maximise your prospects of obtaining planning permission and to ensure your project remains legal and safe.
SM Planning was established in late 2016 as a town planning consultancy. Our team encompasses extensive experience in both the public and private sector and are therefore best placed provide the highest quality of work in the planning consultant industry.
Our Work
As planning consultants, our work is focused around obtaining planning permission for our client’s development projects or renovation work.
Here at SM Planning, we offer our services to a range of clients, including those involved with residential, commercial or householder developments, all of which can be viewed in detail on our projects page. We have worked on a wide range of projects across the country, with a focus in London, guiding and assisting our clients in the planning process to ensure their development project is justified in line with planning legislation and policy.
Our services include site appraisals, planning applications, appeals, lawful development certificates, prior approvals, advertisement consents, section 106 agreements, enforcement resolution and strategic planning. We can assist you in every stage of the planning process through to development completion, to maximise your prospects of obtaining planning permission and ensure there are no breaches in planning control thereafter.
As planning agents, we set out a robust case for each development proposal against the relevant planning legalisation, policy and guidance, and identify any material considerations that weigh in favour of the development. We find planning solutions to issues which may arise in the planning and development process, and negotiate planning matters with the local planning authority to achieve the best outcomes for our clients.

Our Services
Planning Applications
co-ordinating the planning process process from start to finish, including the preparation and submission of the suitable application and handling all liaison and negotiation with the local planning authority to secure the best outcome for our clients
Pre-Application Enquiries
it is often helpful to seek the view of the local planning authority before submitting a full application, SM Planning can handle the process to ensure you get the most out of your pre-application enquiry to maximise your chances of success at the full application stage
Planning Appeals
in the event that an application is refused or permission is granted subject to an undesirable condition, SM Planning can offer expert analysis of the best way to proceed including whether an appeal against the refusal or condition is suitable
Site Development Appraisals
from an analysis of site constraints and opportunities we can evaluate planning challenges and development potential of a site
Certificates of Lawful Development
helping you through the process of obtaining a lawful development certificate for existing or proposed uses and/or operations which are lawful and thus do not require planning permission.
Prior Approval
certain classes of permitted development require prior approval from the local planning authority – we can guide you through this process to ensure all requirements are addressed
Advertisement Consent
advising clients as to whether proposed advertisements benefit from deemed consent and handling the submission of applications for advertisement consent to ensure robust justification is provided in line with the requirements of advertisement regulations
Section 106 Agreement
assisting with legal agreements between the developer and local planning authority, including negotiations around the nature and extent of developer contributions to minimise the burden of obligations on the development
Strategic Planning
we provide strategic advice to clients throughout the evolutions of a project from start to finish, and find planning solutions to issues that may arise in the planning process
assisting you with planning objections if you have concerns relating to the potential impact of a development on your property.
Enforcement Resolution
resolving enforcement investigations in the event that you are in breach of planning control
Engagement and Consultation
assisting with stakeholder engagement and public consultation strategies and processes to support the creation of great places and maximise your prospects of obtaining planning permission
Listed Building Consent
assisting you with obtaining listed building consent for internal and external alterations to listed buildings

Meet the Team
The SM planning team consists of chartered town planners and planning experts who are dedicated to giving our clients the best service possible and helping them with any planning issues or advice as required.
Our team have built up years of experience across a broad scope of development projects in both the private and public sectors, thereby providing a well-balanced planning consultancy service to assist our clients through the entire planning process, and giving you peace of mind that your development project is in safe hands.
SM Planning was founded by Stuart Minty, the company’s director. He has over 20 years of experience as a chartered town planner and is adept at working with a diverse range of clients in both the residential and commercial sectors. His previous roles include Head of Development Management at both Camden and Haringey, before establishing SM Planning in late 2016.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, you may wish to check the FAQ list to see if your query is listed. If not, all enquiries you may have about our services and the types of projects we carry out can be submitted through our contact information.